Sep. 16 – 17 2022
(2 days)Location
Schnalstal & Hintereisferner
High Income
Others€ tba
€ tbaType
Field Trip
Guided Tour & Discussions
Registration required
(as part of IMC registration)
Details about the Excursion
Air temperatures in September can lie below 0°C and some snow is expected on north exposed slopes. Bring good shoes and protection against cold, wind and sun. All paths the excursion will take are marked hiking trails, except the last 200 m to access the laser scanner.
Registration is obligatory and possible via the #IMC22 Conftool at a later time.
The costs (incl. transport, accommodation, guide) of the Excursion will be announced after final calculations
The excursion is open for all interested #IMC22 participants and gives insights into a high alpine monitoring station above 3000m. Most of the track is done by cable car but several hundreds of meters are hiked by the participants at altitudes upper 2800m. Good physical conditions of the participants are prerequisites for this excursion.
To guarantee you a high-quality excursion and for safety reasons the number of participants is limited. The allowed limit will be announced at a later time